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Lorem ipsum dolor amet

Mauris bibendum justo quis nibh venenatis, eu eleifend tortor pharetra. Integer ac est vel purus eleifend aliquam eget sit amet ex. Praesent eu rutrum arcu. Pellentesque sit magna mauris, euismod sed laoreet ut, sodales eget sem. Phasellus nec enim non arcu sagittis rhoncus a sit amet nulla. Quisque id erat auctor, rutrum orci ut laoreet, porttitor tellus. Proin ultrices neque auctor consequat pulvinar. Vel porttitor mi, tincidunt lorem. Vivamus porttitor in. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Mauris bibendum justo quis nibh venenatis, eu eleifend tortor pharetra. Integer ac est vel purus eleifend aliquam eget sit amet ex. Praesent eu rutrum arcu. Pellentesque sit magna mauris, euismod sed laoreet ut, sodales eget sem. Phasellus nec enim non arcu sagittis rhoncus a sit amet nulla. Quisque id erat auctor, rutrum orci ut laoreet, porttitor tellus. Proin ultrices neque auctor consequat pulvinar. Vel porttitor mi, tincidunt lorem. Vivamus porttitor in. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.

Lorem ipsum dolor

Mauris bibendum justo quis nibh venenatis, eu eleifend tortor pharetra. Integer ac est vel purus eleifend aliquam eget sit amet ex. Praesent eu rutrum arcu. Pellentesque sit magna mauris, euismod sed laoreet ut, sodales eget sem. Phasellus nec enim non arcu sagittis rhoncus a sit amet nulla. Quisque id erat auctor, rutrum orci ut laoreet, porttitor tellus. Proin ultrices neque auctor consequat pulvinar. Vel porttitor mi, tincidunt lorem. Vivamus porttitor in. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum justo quis nibh venenatis, eu eleifend tortor.

Lorem ipsum dolor amet

Mauris bibendum justo quis nibh venenatis, eu eleifend tortor pharetra. Integer ac est vel purus eleifend aliquam eget sit amet ex. Praesent eu rutrum arcu. Pellentesque sit magna mauris, euismod sed laoreet ut, sodales eget sem. Phasellus nec enim non arcu sagittis rhoncus a sit amet nulla. Quisque id erat auctor, rutrum orci ut laoreet, porttitor tellus. Proin ultrices neque auctor consequat pulvinar. Vel porttitor mi, tincidunt lorem. Vivamus porttitor in. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Mauris bibendum justo quis nibh venenatis, eu eleifend tortor pharetra. Integer ac est vel purus eleifend aliquam eget sit amet ex. Praesent eu rutrum arcu. Pellentesque sit magna mauris, euismod sed laoreet ut, sodales eget sem. Phasellus nec enim non arcu sagittis rhoncus a sit amet nulla. Quisque id erat auctor, rutrum orci ut laoreet, porttitor tellus. Proin ultrices neque auctor consequat pulvinar. Vel porttitor mi, tincidunt lorem. Vivamus porttitor in. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur.

Lorem ipsum dolor

Mauris bibendum justo quis nibh venenatis, eu eleifend tortor pharetra. Integer ac est vel purus eleifend aliquam eget sit amet ex. Praesent eu rutrum arcu. Pellentesque sit magna mauris, euismod sed laoreet ut, sodales eget sem. Phasellus nec enim non arcu sagittis rhoncus a sit amet nulla. Quisque id erat auctor, rutrum orci ut laoreet, porttitor tellus. Proin ultrices neque auctor consequat pulvinar. Vel porttitor mi, tincidunt lorem. Vivamus porttitor in. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mauris bibendum justo quis nibh venenatis, eu eleifend tortor.

Training and Discipleship

The Cord of 3 training and discipleship program serves the community by offering educational seminars on various mental health and related topics (parenting subjects, coping with loss, warning signs of addiction) as well as conferences, retreats, and seminars for area churches on matters that pertain to God’s design for the family.

Counselor Education & Supervision

Cord of 3’s Counselor education and supervision program is deigned to support interns who are completing their master’s degree, counselors who are working toward licensure, and professionals who are working to integrate their Chritian faith into their clinical practice.

Equine Therapy

Cord of 3’s equine therapy program is designed for individuals ages 7 and up as well as women ages 13+ and families. Equine therapy can help individuals and families overcome challenges, cuiltivate healthy relational skills, build trust, improve interpersonal and behavioral functioning, and create positive self-concept and identity in Christ.

Play God’s Way

A Christ-centered play therapy model to meet teh spiritual, emotional, and mental health needs of children. Through play therapy, children learn to accept responsibility for behavior, engage in healthy coping strategies, acquire problem-solving skills, develop empathy for others, and gain an understanding of identity in mChrist.


Addictions always originate in pain… The question is never ‘why the addiction?,’ but rather ‘why the pain?’” (Dr. Gabor Maté). Counselors can help those struggling with addictions address underlying painful issues and then break the addictive patterns.

Child & Adolescent

Behavioral issues at home or in school often have an underlying cause, such as trauma, depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions. The experienced staff at Cord of 3 meets each child with love, builds trust, and applies effective treatment that approaches the root cause of the behavior.

Marriage & Family

As in couple’s counseling, family counseling focuses on the relationship and dynamics within the family unit and between the individual members of it. Counselors will help clients identify unhealthy or unhelpful patterns, and to address them by developing healthier communication and conflict resolutions skills, create realistic expectations, and restructure familial roles to benefit everyone. The ultimate goal is to help the family be better able to thrive as a team.


Every person will at some point have at least one potentially traumatic experience, but this doesn’t impact everyone in the same ways. When struggling to process and move on from negative life experiences, therapy offers a powerful method of finding support and healing.


Individual counseling can help overcome the sometimes overwhelming fear and hopelessness by helping you better understand the conditions that led to the emotional brokenness you are experiencing, and applying healthy coping skills against them.