Logan Lanier, LPC
Professional Counselor @ Cord of 3

It comes in waves, some gentle and easy to jump over and others so powerful they threaten to drag you under and hold you there forever. It’s the horrid, endless tears, the sleepless nights, the physical hurt felt from the distance between us and lost love. It creeps in like anxiety screaming “danger” because what felt normal is now ripped away.
Grief is such a common experience for mankind but it still threatens to wrap us in isolation as we take on this forced journey. The barren road we find ourselves on cripples the comfort we once experienced. It feels like there will be no resolution, no victory, and no hope. Yet, amid the seemingly endless heart-wrenching pain, there is hope. Grief will not consume us. The broken heart can heal. Heartache will not linger for eternity. We will be victorious.
The victory we have over grief is the hope we have in Jesus. The hope that we are not left alone to fight against the heartache by ourselves. The hope that we have because Jesus has already defeated death. That we will be with Him forever. The hope in God’s purposes for us even after a great loss has occurred. We are not without hope. We have a Savior who weeps with us (John 11:35). Jesus sees our hurt, our pain, our deepest sorrows. Our Savior has come and defeated death and still cares about us so intimately that He will cry and mourn along with us. By His mighty power, He brings great comfort and overwhelming peace in the midst of the darkest of nights.
This victory is found in the family of Christ that lends their wisdom, prayers and love to you through the most unexpected storms. This victory is found in the fellowship of friends who rally to offer compassionate support to your wounded heart. This victory is found in the quiet moments of relief and comfort as we turn to the truth of God’s word. Victory is found when life in Christ begins to expand around your broken heart. When grief manifests as anxiety, God whispers peace of His perfect plan. “I have my good in store for you”. When confusion begs for answers, His gentle voice says “The burden of understanding is not yours but mine to bear”. When grief shows up with its endless “what ifs,” God reminds us He has always been in control and He is never caught off guard. “My ways are higher than your ways” (Isaiah 55:8-9). In the moments when a wail of mourning escapes your lips, He reminds you you are not alone (John 14:18). Victory is found when Jesus begins to reveal all the little ways He remembers you. Victory is found when you walk in the freedom of the promises that God has ordained for you. Victory over grief is found when he heals the void with joy, hope, forgiveness, and love.
We have victory over grief because Jesus knows our pain.
We have victory over grief because Jesus cares about our heartache.
We have victory over grief because Jesus wept.
We have victory over grief because of Jesus.