May 3, 2021

Humans crave intimacy.

We are relational by design. In fact, when God created man He said that it was not good that the man should be alone, so he made a perfect companion called woman. Intimacy is foundational to the human experience. The entirety of God’s law can be summed up in two commands that are both fundamentally about relational intimacy: love God and love others. Apply it to any person. Love God and love your spouse, love God and love your child, love God and love that person who doesn’t look like you or think like you or act like you. You get the idea. Intimacy with God requires intimacy with others. And true intimacy with others requires intimacy with God.

 I wish it was that easy. Love God, love everyone else, and our world would be like Heaven. But we live in a fallen world with fallen people where sin runs rampant and intimacy is distorted to the point where it’s unrecognizable. Since we’re relational at our core, the effects of our sin and the sin of others spreads like cancer to touch lives that aren’t even directly connected. I’ve seen it happen and tried to help pick up the pieces too many times to count. One experience stands out.

A dear friend shared with me that her family had been torn apart because of the actions of another. As she poured out the hurt that flooded her soul, the reality of her devastation crashed over me like a giant wave. The air was sucked out of the room and I felt like I’d been thrown into a roaring ocean. For a moment, I felt helpless and at a loss for answers – like I needed a sense of direction.

That same feeling had engulfed my friend and spread like wildfire through her marriage, her immediate family, her extended family, her church, and her friends. It seemed everyone with any connection was tossed about by this giant wave. As she continued to share her heart, I watched her shoulders shake as despair consumed the room

Over the following days and weeks I came to a deeper realization of how one person’s actions can cause destruction that spreads all around. We are not islands. Our actions have consequences for ourselves and for those around us, like bombs dropped in the ocean with waves of destruction unleashed in all directions. That realization led me to fear all the ways I could be affected by the choices of those around me, and how my actions could impact those I love.

As fear began to set in, I felt the nudge of the Spirit. His voice reminded me that He is a God of redemption. He showed me that He is still in control. I began to see how He was working in the life of my friend’s family. He provided for their needs. He moved and restored the brokenness of my precious sister in Christ. I watched as she grew in her own relationship with Him. As she matured and grew closer to Her Lord, she developed a total dependency on Him and the peace of God flowed from her life. All the while, He was restoring the shattered pieces of her life. It didn’t happen overnight or in a week or even in a couple of months, but God in His timing was healing wounds and making things new. I began to marvel at how a situation so hopeless and futile was now blossoming into a beautiful testimony of God’s intervening, gracious hand in the life of His child.

As years passed by, I watched this dear sister’s marriage be restored. I watched her family work toward healing together. I watched them deal with the difficult issues and face them head on, and grace upon grace was displayed in their lives and in their home. Those chaotic waves of devastation had been calmed by our great God into gentle waves of healing in every area of life, and His grace extended even to the ones further removed from the direct impact of the original sin. Intimacy was restored with God and with one another because of the mercy of God and the obedience of those involved.

Do you crave a closer relationship with God? Do you want more intimacy with your spouse, your children or someone else? I have great news for you! The same God that restored my friend’s life desires a close, deep, personal relationship with you. He knows everything there is to know about you. He knows your thoughts before you think them. He knows the desires of your heart. He can count the hairs on your head! He desires for you to know Him.

As you grow closer to God, you will inevitably grow in your relationship with those around you. You will begin to produce the fruits of His love and your life will be used for His glory. You will see others through the eyes of Jesus, who loved us and gave Himself for us. And as those around you respond to the grace of God in their lives, and grow closer to him as well, you will each experience deeper intimacy with Him and with one another.

​If I could leave you with one thought on your journey toward intimacy with God and others, remember the encouragement of Paul in his letter to the Philippians.

If there be therefore any consolation in Christ, if any comfort from love, if any fellowship in the Spirit, if any bowels and mercies, fulfill ye my joy that ye be likeminded, having the same love, being of one accord, of one mind. Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus… (Phil. 2:1-5)
Grace be with you.

Brooke Russell is a Licensed Professional Counselor at Cord of 3 Counseling, wife of 9 years and mother of 3.

Training and Discipleship

The Cord of 3 training and discipleship program serves the community by offering educational seminars on various mental health and related topics (parenting subjects, coping with loss, warning signs of addiction) as well as conferences, retreats, and seminars for area churches on matters that pertain to God’s design for the family.

Counselor Education & Supervision

Cord of 3’s Counselor education and supervision program is deigned to support interns who are completing their master’s degree, counselors who are working toward licensure, and professionals who are working to integrate their Chritian faith into their clinical practice.

Equine Therapy

Cord of 3’s equine therapy program is designed for individuals ages 7 and up as well as women ages 13+ and families. Equine therapy can help individuals and families overcome challenges, cuiltivate healthy relational skills, build trust, improve interpersonal and behavioral functioning, and create positive self-concept and identity in Christ.

Play God’s Way

A Christ-centered play therapy model to meet teh spiritual, emotional, and mental health needs of children. Through play therapy, children learn to accept responsibility for behavior, engage in healthy coping strategies, acquire problem-solving skills, develop empathy for others, and gain an understanding of identity in mChrist.


Addictions always originate in pain… The question is never ‘why the addiction?,’ but rather ‘why the pain?’” (Dr. Gabor Maté). Counselors can help those struggling with addictions address underlying painful issues and then break the addictive patterns.

Child & Adolescent

Behavioral issues at home or in school often have an underlying cause, such as trauma, depression, anxiety, or other mental health conditions. The experienced staff at Cord of 3 meets each child with love, builds trust, and applies effective treatment that approaches the root cause of the behavior.

Marriage & Family

As in couple’s counseling, family counseling focuses on the relationship and dynamics within the family unit and between the individual members of it. Counselors will help clients identify unhealthy or unhelpful patterns, and to address them by developing healthier communication and conflict resolutions skills, create realistic expectations, and restructure familial roles to benefit everyone. The ultimate goal is to help the family be better able to thrive as a team.


Every person will at some point have at least one potentially traumatic experience, but this doesn’t impact everyone in the same ways. When struggling to process and move on from negative life experiences, therapy offers a powerful method of finding support and healing.


Individual counseling can help overcome the sometimes overwhelming fear and hopelessness by helping you better understand the conditions that led to the emotional brokenness you are experiencing, and applying healthy coping skills against them.